Connecting professional drivers with the office outside of the cab since Dec 11For Help Contact: [email protected] Xpress Mobile Applicatio
Connecting professional drivers with the office outside of the cab since Dec '11
For Help Contact: [email protected]
The Xpress Mobile Application is for US Xpress Enterprises, Inc. drivers and provides out-of-the cab functionality to augment the existing in-cab systems. This software is only supported on devices with Android version 4.0 or greater at this time.
Current Functionality:
* View / Accept / Reject Pre-Assignments
* View Dispatch
* View Map of Stops including Satellite and Traffic Views
- (Google maps is required)
* Accept / Reject Dispatch Requirements
* Accept Load
* View Repower information correctly entered in the system
* View location of other truck involved in Repower
* View messages to and from the office (No push notification of messages yet.)
* Send macros including Circle of Service
* View news relevant to you from the enterprise with topics ranging across the enterprise
* Help/About documentation
If you have an issue with the application not working, please send an e-mail to [email protected] and we will work to identify the issues you might be having. Your feedback is important to the success of this product!
Permissions Summary
* View Network State & Full Internet Access
This permission allows the application to communicate with our system providing you with pre-assignments and dispatches on your device.
* Fine (GPS) Location
This permission allows us to determine if you are in-motion. For your safety and ability to focus while driving your access to the application is restricted while you are in motion. Your location and speed information are not sent back to us or stored for any purpose.
* Hardware Controls
This permission gives you the choice to be notified of important events by vibrating the device.
* Camera
This permission is required for an upcoming release of the Messaging functionality that is in preview in this release. Camera permissions will allow us to use the phone's camera to implement barcode scanning of trip sheets.
This allows you to configure notifications to trigger your devices LED lights for message notifications.
For more information regarding how and what information we use, please see our privacy policy.